BR air braked wagons in colour is compiled by David Ratcliffe, an expert on wagon subject. This new guide complements his previous volumes in the British Railway Pictorial series on Private Owner Wagons and International Train Ferry Wagons. Aimed at the modelling fraternity, this heavily illustrated title shows the wide range of air-braked wagons, both revenue types and departmentals, that BR owned themselves and operated from the mid-1970s, providing coverage of the third main groups of wagons to be found in use during the period. The book starts with an introduction covering the reasons behind the introduction of air-braked types, a listing of the TOPS codes allocated, and a look at some of the experimental designs initially built. It then covers all the various types of air-braked wagons owned by BR grouped into broad categories including Opens, Vans, Steel Carriers, Coal and Mineral Wagons, Covered Hoppers, Specials and Departmentals. Extended captions supporting the colour photographs discuss each type both in terms of technical details and the commodities that each carried and the workings on which they might be found. As many types lasted into privatisation with EWS the author includes some photographs showing wagons in that guise to complete the story and wagons built in more recent years by EWS and some of its competitors such as Freightliner, GBRf and Fastline.