Lineside Buildings by Paul Bason is part of the British Railway Modelling series of books and is generally a good primer to the model buildings commonly used by railway modellers. The book has a few drawbacks and needs updating, the market has moved on a bit and some subjects such as interiors and lighting could be better covered.
Paul Bason describes card, plastic, and other lineside kits for the modeller of British railways. Lineside Buildings provides hints and suggestions on the art of building card kits as well as those made with plastic or various metals, and reviews the current (as at 2007) suppliers of such kits for British prototypes. Unfortunately this misses out some of the excellent downloadable kits that have come to the market recently, such as those produced by my friend Justin at Model Railway Scenery.
I have been a railway modeller for over 40 years, and have used plastic and card kits since the early days and much more recently I’ve downloaded kits from Scalescenes and others. Even so, I have picked up quite a number of tips from this book, and I anticipate looking at it periodically for future ideas and inspiration. It is very well illustrated in full colour, and Paul Bason has taken the trouble of actually building most of the kits that he discusses, or at least 2 or 3 examples of each manufacturer’s product.
Recommended if you model British railways in any scale, however the more recent book of the same name in the aspects of modelling series is also worth a look